IGW, Vol 2, Issue 1, p8
BLindBob Lind

by Kevin J Porter

(a Kevin J. Porter Mystery)
Kevin J. Porter
ISBN 0595245722
Writer's Club Press 2002,
316 pages, paper

Come Clean is one of the most original, suspenseful and outright terrifying mystery novels I have ever read. The author is skilled at feeding the reader carefully-timed tidbits of information, before they become evident to those trying to solve the case, making the reader feel smart and leading
to "obvious" conclusions. Unfortunately, what seems obvious in the
last chapter is proved to be impossible in the next, and one is left frustrated and doubting how this will all be tied together somehow, but it is, masterfully.

In a nutshell, retired RCMP detective Kevin Porter (same name as the author) discovers a murder scene, after his boyfriend Brent (about half of Kevin's age; Kevin is Brent's "senior toy") asks him to check on a university colleague who did not return from her weekend retreat for her Monday morning classes. The unique "clean fettish" of the killer also serves to erase all of the usual sources of evidence, frustrating the RCMP investigator (a former subordinate of Porter's) who is assigned to the case. The chapters alternate between the Porter's and the killer's perspectives, and we learn early on (Note: NOT a spoiler, as this is within the first two chapters) that the killer works as a make-up artist on the Vancouver-based filming of the "X-Files" TV show. A series of complicated incidents result in Porter's being "outed" to his former RCMP colleagues, and his lover Brent becoming a suspect in the murder, two developments that are handled quite realistically. The investigation goes on while Vancouver police are also investigating the latest in a series of gay-bashing murders in a public park, and readers learn there is a connection before the investigators do. The tale is not for the squeemish, and a comparison of the murderer to Hannibal Lector isn't far fetched. I recommend it highly; 5 stars out of 5.

Link to the author's website, where you can read more about him (the
author / narrator)
About the reviewer...

Bob Lind is a 53 year old openly-gay professional, who lives  in Phoenix, AZ, with one spoiled cat, a former stray.  He has written for some professional publications, has volunteered for several local community organizations, and is an avid reader, mostly of gay fiction.

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