MekahMekah Gordon will be a regular contributor to The Independent Gay Writer on glbt issues, but with a greater focus on transgender issues.

You may write to her at
Transitionally Speaking
© 2005 Mekah Gordon, All Rights Reserved
by Mekah Gordon

Ever fantasize what it would be like to suddenly wake up as the "opposite gender?"
I used to, for 45 years!

Well, I don't have to fantasize anymore.  In fact It's been over 3 years since I've undergone Gender Corrective Surgery.  I even crowned off this special rebirth, by getting a Butterfly tattooed just above "Ms. Private."

My Metamorphosis, was the beginning of a new dawn, the bloom of beautiful flower, from "bud" to "budette."

I have never been happier in my entire life on this planet, other than the birth of my wonderful son, 25 years ago.  So, I guess you've realized that I used "it" at least once...Ha!

For those of you who have no idea what it is like being Transsexual, I will give you the "Cliff Notes" version.

I ask for no sympathy, or empathy, just an open mind that's understanding, sensitive, and most of all, Respectful.

Hmmmmm, let's see, where to start...Of course, at the beginning!

There are fetuses in utero, (approx. 1/12,000 worldwide) who go through an anomaly of nature, prior to birth, during the process of Male or Female hormonal wash interaction with the brain, are born anatomically of recognized gender, but who, at about age 5, feel very "different." Their brains are either male or female, but their genitalia tell a different story.

At around age 5, how could you understand that there seems to be something "wrong," but you just don't know what it is? Your mind and body go through a complex duality of gender self identity, and that is very, very scary. Usually it begins with an urge to dress as the opposite gender.  Identifying with "things" that little boys and girls are not supposed to be attracted to. There is no cure, this is not a choice, it's been "hardwired" into your brain—before birth. Learning to deal with it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, is tumultuous, and of course, extremely stressful.

Transition, from Male to Female, or Female to Male, seems to include three anomalistic variables. (self awareness, usually occurs around the age of 4-5):

1. The  first of which is the ultimate decision of Transitioning, by Gender Corrective Surgery, which entails extensive Psychological, & Physical review. An individual must live 24 hours a day as the opposite gender for at least a year, and in my case, know to the core of your soul that the visual body you are in is not congruent with your brain.  This is the most intense of all three.  There are those who, if they can't fully Transition, take their own lives.

It's that powerful!

2. The second  variable appears to occur in some individuals, where the opposing Male/Female ratio of the Hormonal Wash of the brain in utero, differentiates from the visual gender, by not being as "saturated." The Transsexual individual's persona can vary from Cross Dressing to living full time as the opposite gender (Pre-Op), without ever pursuing Post-Op Gender Genitalia Corrective Surgery.

3. The  third, and seemingly most complex Transgender Anomaly, are those classified as Intersexed. These individuals were commonly referred to as "Hermaphrodites," but being in a "politically correct" society, this title is no longer used. Being Intersexed is basically defined as a person who is either born with both visual Male/Female genitalia, and/or one or more characteristics associated to both genders. In essence, what appears to be a "normal" male might have a uterine cavity and/or one dropped testicle, with the second being a 'female egg'—the combinations of such varied occurrences are numerous. Many Doctors, used to classify those babies born with "ambiguous dual genitalia" as female.  Convincing the parents that constructing a "Vagina" was in the best interest of the child. Of course, as the majority of these children (mostly male) matured, they too began questioning what was between their legs. Their brains were male, but their "constructed" genitalia were female, which led many individuals to not only question their parents, but intensely research their birth records to see if they were 'altered.'  The physical harm and psychological damage created by these Doctors who decided to play "God," was unconscionable, unethical, beyond reason, thereby leading many young adults to commit suicide.

As an accomplished and expert Transgender Professional Educator, I emphasize unconditional love from family and friends.

How much do you know about Transgenderism?

o  Not much at all
o  Everything I know I learned from Jerry Springer
o  I know a little but I'm still a little confused...
o  I know about the subject but not from personal experience
o  I have one or more Transgender friends and they've taught me much
o  I know a good deal
o  I am Transgendered
o  What's the fuss all about, anyhow?

Please let me know what you think, and/or send me questions you may have, concerning Transgender issues.

Love, Peace, & Solidarity ~

~Mekah Gordon~
S. U. R. E. Foundationtm
Transgender Women's Support Group of Santa Fe

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